Monday, September 22, 2008
Laylat Al Qadr
Try your best to pause everything & invest these evenings in getting closer to Allah and spending Laylat Al Qadr (Night of Power) praying to God the Almighty.
Laylat Al Qadr is a great night because its the anniversary of the day Prophet Mohammed PBUH received the first versus of the Holy Quran and the night of year where Jabreel AS comes down to earth and millions of angels fill up the sky therefore increase your spiritual activities and please include all Muslims in your prayers.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Year 6 of Islam (Dar Al-Arqam)
Why is that? It is because this approach is not on the path of the Prophet PBUH or Islam. Muslims are advised not to cause destruction or bloodshed in their lands and communities.
It is imperative to note that although the companions were the ones being tortured, they were calm and composed. Meanwhile, the non-believers were livid, perverse, and vicious. Compare this to the common stereotype many have of religious people being constantly angry and irrational.
Moreover, the three men who were primarily handling the torture of Muslims were; Al-Aas Ibn-Wa’el, Al-Walid Ibn-Al-Mugheera, and Abu-Jahl. However, their sons Amr Ibn-Al-Aas, Khalid Ibn-Al-Walid, and Ikrimah Ibn-Abu-Jahl turned out to be among the best Muslims. This proves that the tortured companions never opted for counter humiliation or violence, though they had the right to, that the sons of their very torturers became strong believers themselves.
What did the Prophet PBUH do to lift his companions’ spirits? Many of the companions were humiliated, tortured, or witnessed murder of their beloved. The Prophet PBUH introduced a ground-breaking and incredibly innovative concept; he conducted a training course for the companions to strengthen their faith, lift their spirit, encourage unity, provide a safe haven to turn to, and to give them much needed moral support.
Dar Al-Arqam Ibn-Abi-Al-Arqam was the training center for Muslims in Mekkah for three years. Over 1400 years ago, Muslims integrated this innovative approach of training sessions to handle their situation; an approach which is only discovered recently worldwide. An interesting question pops up, why conduct the training sessions in the 17-year-old Al-Arqam’s house? Why not at Abu-Bakr’s house? It was very astute of the Prophet PBUH to select Al-Arqam’s house for Quraysh would have never suspected it, due to the Al-Arqam’s young age. Al-Arqam’s house also had a great advantage; it was constructed in the middle of Al-Arqam’s own tribe, which offered the Muslims great protection.
One of the main products of these training sessions is that the companions who attended them turned out to be the ones who ultimately excelled, especially during the battle of Hunayn. They remained steadfast with the Prophe when many others ran away.
The Prophet PBUH offered a comprehensive training course which taught sublime values that included team spirit, brotherhood, loving one another for the sake of Allah, purifying one’s heart, striving to be close to Allah, loving one’s land and community, and gaining a better understanding of world affairs.
These lessons were derived from Qur’anic revelations such as
- Team spirit was encouraged in Surat Al-Asr (The Afternoon) where Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "And (by) the afternoon! (Or: time). Surely man is indeed in (sheer) loss, except the ones who have believed, and done deeds of righteousness, and enjoin each other to the Truth, and enjoin each other to patience" (TMQ, 103: 1-3).
- Importance of awareness of world affairs was promoted in Surat Ar-Rum (The Romans) where Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "Alif, Lam, Mîm (These are the names of letters of the Arabic alphabet, and only Allah knows their meaning here). The Romans have been overcome (by the Persians). In the more adjacent (i.e., more easy to reach; the Levant) (part) of the earth. And even after their being overcome, they will overcome (the others). Within several years. To Allah belongs the Command ever before and ever after, and upon that day the believers will exult" (TMQ, 30: 1-4).
- Establishing a solid connection to Allah (SWT) and purifying one’s heart were promoted in Surat Al-Anaam (The Cattle) where Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "And in His Providence are the keys of the Unseen; none knows them except He. And He knows whatever is in the land and the sea. And in no way does a leaf fall down, except that He knows it, and not a grain in the darkness (es) of the earth, not a thing wet or dry, except that it is in an evident Book" (TMQ, 6: 59).
- Companions learnt to love their land, to exercise patience, and to avoid calls of revenge in Surat Hud that illustrates the stories of the prophets and what they had to go through stressing the importance of patience and endurance. Moreover, Surat Yusuf (Joseph) that describes how Prophet Yusuf (AS) was wrongfully imprisoned, yet how he agreed to help those who imprisoned him for the sake of his land and people. We should try to learn from Prophet Yusuf (AS) who did not seek revenge or retribution when he had a chance to.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Ramadan Kareem

May Allah the AlMighty grant us the blessings of this month and make it a month of peace, patience and spiritual growth.
اللهم اجعل صيامنا صيام الصّائمين و قيامنا قيام القائِمين ، و نبِهنا عن نومةالغافلين
اللهم قرِبنا اِلى مرضاتك ، وجنبنا من سخطك ونقماتك ، و وفقنا لقرائة اياتك ، برحمتك يا أرحم الرّاحمين
اللهم اعنا على الصيامِ و القيام و ارزقنا فضل ليلة القدرِ واكتبنا من عتقائك يوم لا ظل الا ظلك
اللهم اجعلنا إِلى جمال آياتك ناظرِين، ولروائع قدرتك مبصرين، وإِلى جنابك متجِهِين، واجعلنا على نهجِ النبِيِّ المصطفى - عليه أفضل الصلاة وأزكى التسليمِ - سالكين، وبسنته وهدايته عاملين، وبآثارِه مقتفين، ومتعنا اللهم بصحبته في جنات النعِيمِ. اللهم اجعلنا نخشاك حتى كأَننا نراك، وأسعدنا بتقواك، ولا تجعلنا بِمعصيتك مطرودين، ورضنا بقضائك، وبارِك لنا في قدرِك، وانصرنا على من ظلمنا
اللهم اجعل عملنا كله خالصاً لوجهِك الكرِيمِ
اللهم بلغنا رمضان اعواماً عديدة وازمنة مديدة
اعاده الله علينا و عليكم و على الامة الاسلامية
Monday, July 7, 2008
How Hamza & Omar Embraced Islam
He was a brave warrior and a strong man who sought his own pleasures and never cared about the issues of Mekkah.
One day after a hunting trip, a Muslim woman asked him "how he could go hunting while his nephew was assaulted by Abu-Jahl."
Hamza was enraged and headed to the Ka3ba and asked Abu-jahl, "How dare you abuse him?" and then he hit him on the head.
The next day Hamza went to his nephew the Prophet PBUH and Mohammed proposed Islam to his uncle and Hamza embraced it without any hesitation. He encouraged the Prophet to proceed with his message and promised him he'll always be by his side.
Unlike Hamza, Omar embraced Islam in a gradual process. He used to be an extremely tough person. He used to walk after the prophet PBUH wherever he went, and used to prevent him from talking to people and spreading the message of Islam.
Omar tells the story of his Islam. He says that the first time Islam found a way to his heart was when he used to beat up his female slave. Strong as he was, he would beat her until he would get tired, yet she remained quite unexhausted. Once again, a Muslim woman demonstrated her strength and capability to fortify the society.
Another day, Omar went to meet his drinking friends as usual, but he did not find them. Nor did he find the wine seller. He decided to go to the Ka3ba. When he arrived he found the prophet PBUH praying. He decided to listen quietly and see what he said. The Prophet PBUH was reading Surat Al-Haqqah.
click to listen to Surat Al-Haqqah:
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Examples of Hardships Undergone by Companions (Al97abah)
One day ten men from Quraysh gathered around the Prophet PBUH and assaulted him. Abu-Bakr, who is "the bravest of all men", according to Ali (RA), defended the Prophet PBUH. Consequently, the gathered disbelievers left the Prophet PBUH alone and started to attack Abu-Bakr. He was brutally beaten on his face until he fainted and they thought he was dead. After being taken to his house, he awoke at night asking about the Prophet PBUH. Exhausted as he was, he asked his mother and Fatima bintul-Khattab to take him to the Prophet so as to be re-assured. This is the real love for the Prophet PBUH.
Many companions underwent severe torture. For instance, Belal was left by the disbelievers in the hot weather of Makkah’s desert wearing iron shields, and on his body the would put extremely heavy stones. The youth, Al-Zobeir Ibnul-Awam (16 years old) was tortured by his uncle. The latter used to wrap him up in a piece of cloth and hang him above a fire, so that only the hot smoke would reach him. Young as he was, Al-Zobeir suffered a serious lung disease.
Another example is given by Saad Ibn-Abu-Waqas, who used to be quite rightful to his mother. Nonetheless, when he embraced Islam, his mother threatened him to stop eating and drinking, so that he might change his belief. In effect, she starved herself and became very ill after three days. However, he firmly told her that he is adamant on his belief. Ayahs were revealed to the Prophet PBUH, telling Sa3ad to be more merciful, “And We have enjoined upon man the fair (companionship) to his parents; and in case they strive with you to make you associate with Me that whereof you have no knowledge, then do not obey them" (TQM, 29:8).
Complete families and household also suffered. This is illustrated in the story of the family of Yasser. The wife, Somaya Bintul-Khayat, a slim, weak, 60 years-old woman, was often tortured by Abu-Jahl, until she died. She became the first Muslim martyr. It is noteworthy that the first Muslim after the prophet was a woman, the first to support the messenger of Allah was a woman and the first martyr was also a woman. Reflecting on this issue, I think the message is: this should boost all men to work hard and strive for the cause of Islam. Two days later, Somaya’s husband, Yasser died, leaving behind the young, Ammar Ibn-Yasser, who suffered greatly, as well. Ten years later, when Abu-Jahl was killed in the Battle of Badr, the Prophet PBUH summoned Ammar to tell him the Allah avenged his mother.
Amr Khalid says that these examples are not meant to tell us that we have to undergo the same suffering. The point is that we have to carry the message so forcefully and relentlessly as the prophet’s companions did. We may take pigeons as an example. Pigeons so much value there message that they fly very high, despite all rain or heat, so as to avoid hunters and they do not stop for food, in order to deliver their message safely. Why don’t we indeed take the pigeons an example to follow!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Year 4 to Year 6 of Islam
Quraysh decided that whenever anyone would spot Muhammad they would say "mad man" aloud and run away. Such rumor spread to the extent that travelers coming from Yemen far away were warned to beware of the crazy Quraysh "lad". Do you feel like you want to stand up and defend him? You can follow his Sunnah (tradition) and do some good in this world without violence and just by working hard.
Om-Jameel, Abu-Lahab's wife used to gather garbage and thorns and put them on the doorstep of the prophet's house. She was relentless. She kept on provoking Quraysh and instigating disruptions.
Allah mentioned her in the Holy Quran "And his wife, the constant bearer of firewood, Upon her (long) neck she will have a rope of palm-fibers." (TMQ, 111:4-5).
She did not actually carry firewood, but the Quran uses this metaphor as if she was lighting the fire of disruption in Quraysh. She heard about Quran verses talking about her and went to the prophet PBUH to throw him with stones. However, Allah (SWT) allowed such suffering but only to a limit. He blinded Om-Jameel from seeing the Prophet PBUH when she asked Abu-Bakr about him though he was just in front of her. She ridiculed his name in a made-up poem about how they were going to defy his religion.
Quraysh disbelievers liked Om-Jameel's poem and sang it and spread it allover Makkah. The companions flamed with anger but the Prophet PBUH calmed them down. They knew him for a patient man so they got afraid and stopped what they did. Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, " Surely the ones who are (guilty of) crimes used to laugh at the ones who believed, And when they passed by them (they used) to wink one to another. And when they turned over (to their families), they turned over jesting, And when they saw them, they said, “Surely these (people) are indeed erring.” And in no way were they sent preservers over them. So Today the ones who believed are laughing at the steadfast disbelievers, On couches, looking (down upon them). Have the steadfast disbelievers been requited for what they were performing? "(TMQ, 83:29-36).
This came as a strong support to raise the spirits of the prophet PBUH and his companions. "And indeed We already know that, for you, your breast straitens by what they say. So extol with the praise of your Lord and be of the prostrating. "(TMQ, 15:97-98). In another ayah, Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "In no way is anything said to you except what already was said to the Messengers before you.
Surely your Lord is indeed The Owner of forgiveness and The Owner of painful punishment..."(TMQ, 41: 43). Companions and believers increased in number. "You have been the most charitable nation brought out to mankind: you command beneficence, and forbid maleficence, and believe in Allah ..."(TMQ, 3: 110).
Quraysh even tried to hurt his family. Al-'Asi Ibn-Wael, the father of Amr Ibnul-Aas spread a saying that Mohammed PBUH was incapable of having boys, a shameful matter back then, his two boys being dead. Thus, they can get rid of him after his death as he has no one to carry his legacy. This hurt Khadijah. She was 55 years old and too old to bear more children.
To relieve them from their pains Allah (SWT) revealed these ayahs which could be translated as, "Surely We have given you the Abundance; So pray to your Lord and slaughter (the sacrifice). Surely your antagonist is he who is without offspring (Literally: curtailed). "(TMQ, 108: 1-3).
Also, "Have We not expanded your breast for you, And laid aside from you your encumbrance. Which weighed down your back, And did We not raise for you your remembrance? So surely with difficulty comes ease, Surely with difficulty comes ease. So when you are at leisure, (i.e., not o) then labor, And to your Lord then be desirous (i.e., of His Grace)."(TMQ, 94: 1-8).
After the companions exceeded 200 in number Quraysh tried to hurt the prophet's family even more. Abu-Lahab divorced his two sons from the prophet's two daughters. One of the girls later on married Othman Ibn-Affan, one of the prophet's companion and the other one, Om-Kulthoum, didn't get married until she went to Madinah as all the companions were younger than her. Khadijah (RA) however, did not mind this as most mothers are expected to do. She supported her husband even more.
The persistence of Mohammed PBUH bothered Abu-Jahl to the extent that he asked him
to leave him alone as he will not listen to him anyway. " We already know that surely it indeed grieves you (the things) they say. Yet surely they do not cry lies to you, but the unjust (people) repudiate the signs of Allah. "(TMQ, 6:33).
A friend of Abu-Jahl accused Mohammed in front of him that he is a liar, but away from him he later said that he knew that Mohammed was saying the truth but he was only doing this because his family used to be competitors to Abdul-Muttalib’s family. He was driven by greed and selfishness.
As to physical hurt, Okba Ibn-Abu-Ma'eet took off his gown, wrapped it in a rope-like shape and put it around the neck of our beloved prophet PBUH while praying in front of the Ka3ba until he fell from suffocation. Not only this, Okba further went and slaughtered a camel, took out its guts and put it on the prophet's back while he was prostrating in prayer. The prophet remained still until his daughter came. She cleaned him while crying from the sight itself but her father told her not to cry, as Allah (SWT) shall support her father.
In heaven, the prophet shall hold his hand for you to drink from, but the angels will come and take the weak believers away.
Another disbeliever hid in the desert of Makkah and filled his handful with sand and threw it in our beloved's face. He went home with his clothes full of sand and dust and his little girl Fatima (RA) saw this and tried to rub the dust away crying. He soothed her and told her not to cry because Allah (SWT) shall support him.
Allah (SWT) says what can be translated as, "And in no way is Muhammad (anything) except a Messenger; the Messengers have already passed away before him. Then, will it be that, in case he dies or is killed, will you turn (Literally: turn (s) over on) on your heels? ..."(TMQ, 3:144).
Do you know why Okba Ibn-Abu-Ma'eet defied prophet Muhammad PBUH? He was a close friend to Abu-Jahl and started to listen to Muhammad PBUH and to believe in what he was saying. He was about to embrace Islam. At that time, Abu-Jahl was away on a trip and when he returned back, he threatened Okba that he shall not look at him nor talk to him again until he would go to spit on the prophet’s PBUH face. Okba chose his friend and spitted on the face of our beloved PBUH.
" And the Day that the unjust (person) will bite at both his hands, (and) say, “Oh, would that I had taken to myself a way along with the Messenger. Oh, woe to me! Would that I had not taken so-and-so to myself for a (close) fellow. Indeed he readily made me err away from the Remembrance after it had come to me.”" (TMQ, 25:27-29).
The Prophet was not only supportive of Islam, but of all forms of justice. Once a man came to Makkah claiming that Abu-Jahl owed him money. To have a good laugh, some disbelievers advised him to go to MOhammEd and ask for his help. Despite the conflict with Abu-Jahl, the Prophet took the man to Abu-Jahl and told Abu-Jahl to pay the due money. In effect, Abu-Jahl paid the due money.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Protection from Bani Hashim
Quraysh moved in steps. First, they tried to distort the prophet's da3wa. Next came ridicule and humiliation to shake his spirit followed with moral harm, hurting his family members and causing physical harm for him and the companions. They even tried to kill them and actually killed some of them. All of this was for the sake of Muslims and Islam.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
First 4 years of Islam
The first followers were Khadijah (AS), Abu Baker (AS) and Ali bin Abu Taleb (AS). Over a period of six months, the number of followers increased to 45, most of them were young men whose ages did not exceed 30 years. They were 27 men, and 18 women. They consisted of 34 wealthy and eleven poor companions. Unlike what is usually said, most of the first followers were rich not poor.
These companions were from 16 different tribes. This was part of the Prophet's plan in order to be integrated in society. There was a Muslim in every household now. These companions were of different social backgrounds: Ammar Ibn-Yasser and Belal Ibn-Rabah, the slaves, Othman Ibn-Ma'zoum, the great wealthy lord.
In the Prophet's household, everyone embraced Islam. The household consisted of ten members: the Prophet (PBUH), Khadijah (AS), the four daughters: Zainab, Ruqaya, Um-Kolthoum, and Fatima, in addition to two maids, and two young men: Ali bin Abu Talib and Zaid Ibn-Haritha.
After three years, the number of Muslims had increased by more than a hundred. Quraysh did not notice this rise, which meant that the Prophet's plan had succeeded. Three years had passed without confrontation or conflict, and now a few of the elite were on our side, and Islam was inside every house in Mekkah. Three years had passed and marked the end of the first phase.
Two verses descended on the Prophet that told him its time to announce Islam Publicly:
First, "So profess openly what you have been commanded and veer away from the associators (Those who associate others with Allah)" (TMQ, 15:94), warning him of opposition and harm.
The second verse states that it is no more the phase of selection: "And warn your kinsmen, the nearest kin," (TMQ, 26:214). The Inspiration did not tell the Prophet where to start, but he was only ordered to make the matter public, and was left to plan for this action.
Now the Prophet PBUH had to take the next step; he had to announce Islam to the people. Now was the time for the idea to reach everyone & everywhere.
The Prophet's attitude reflected the flexibility of his mind and his wise planning, for he always took the initiative while Quraysh reacted to his actions. They were never able to force him to follow a certain course of action despite their power.
The Prophet PBUH chose to start with his own family, not with the whole of Quraysh. He invited all his family, men and women, to a feast. He let them eat first, then as soon as he started to speak, he was interrupted by Abu-Lahab who spoke ill of Mohammed's message, and warned them of the grave consequences that would befall them if Mohammed were not stopped. The Prophet PBUH did not lose his composure or temper; he did not even put his case forward on that occasion.
The Prophet did not want to start his call for Islam with an argument with his uncle, and decided to give it another try. Abu-Jahl's response was not out of hatred to the Prophet, on the contrary, the Prophet was dear to him ever since he was born to the extent that his two boys (Otba and Otayba) were engaged to the Prophet's two daughters (Ruqaya and Um-Kolthoum). However, Abu-Jahl was worried about his business, he knew that this message will turn Quraysh against them. The new religion called for removing the idols from the Ka3ba, which meant that the other tribes whose idols will fall would seek revenge by attacking their commercial caravans. Therefore, he chose to show everyone that he was against Mohammed to avoid any problems.
Once again, the Prophet PBUH invited his family for a second feast, but this time he decided to talk to them while they were still eating. He did not exclude Abu-Lahab from the invitation, to avoid more hostility. The Prophet PBUH started to talk confidently telling them about Islam and how he was the Prophet PBUH,
“O sons of Hashem, rescue yourselves from the Fire; O sons of Abd al-Muttalib, rescue yourselves from the Fire; O Fatima, rescue thyself from the Fire, for I have no power (to protect you) from Allah in anything except this that I would sustain relationship with you."[4]
Abu-Lahab, far from changing his attitude, continued his opposition to the Prophet, while Abu-Taleb, his other uncle who kept his promise to his late father of taking care of Muhammad, pledged to help and protect him as long as he lived.
The Prophet achieved his target from the feast: he wanted to gain the support and protection of his family. This does not undermine his trust in Allah. Islam teaches us to rely on Allah’s protection at all times, but also to take all the necessary measures and precautions. The Prophet still wanted another thing from them: he wanted them to believe in his message. Hamza and Al-Abbas turned their faces away; Abu-Taleb was reluctant to leave his father's beliefs although deep inside he felt Mohammed’s honesty. The rest of the family sat in silence. No one followed him, except for one young kid, Ali who was also invited, and answered the Prophet's call and gave him his hand to pledge loyalty. Why do we not do the same, why do we not gather our families to agree upon doing some rightful deeds together? Let us learn from our Prophet.
The time had come to announce Islam to everyone. The Prophet PBUH chose a famous spot in Mekkah (the mountain of Safa) climbed it, and started, boldly, to call people to gather. Let the Prophet's strength be an inspiration to you never to be ashamed of your religion, always be strong and daring. Remember the ayah that can be translated as: "A Book sent down to you, (i.e., The Prophet) so let there be no restriction in your breast on account of it, that you may warn thereby; and (it is) a Reminding for the believers." (TMQ, 7:2).
The Prophet started calling, "O Bani Fihr! O Bani 'Adi!" addressing various tribes of Quraysh till they were assembled. Those who could not come themselves sent their messengers to see what was happening. Abu Lahab and other people from Quraysh came and the Prophet then said, "Suppose I told you that there was an (enemy) cavalry in the valley intending to attack you, would you believe me?" They said, "Yes, for we have never known you to tell anything other than the truth." He then said, "I am Allah's Prophet to you, I am a warner to you in face of a terrific punishment."
Abu Lahab said (to the Prophet) "May your hands perish all this day. Is it for this purpose that you have gathered us?" [5] Then the Qur'an was revealed: "Would the hands of Abu Lahab be cut up, (i.e., perish) and would he be cut up (too)! In no way did his wealth avail him, neither whatever he earned" (TMQ, 111: 1-2).
Betrayal is most painful when it comes from someone dear. Abu-Lahab was the only one whose name came in such a manner in Quran because he was the first one to provoke others to defy the Prophet. The Prophet PBUH was a virtuous man, did not even answer him. Do not ever set a bad example to your friends, do not be the first to introduce a sin, for the Prophet said, "He who sets in Islam an evil precedent, there is upon him the burden of that, and the burden of him also who acted upon it subsequently, without any deduction from their burden." [6]
Then the Prophet descended the mountain and started preaching for Islam. He talked to people about salvation and attracted them to religion. He did not start with warnings of hellfire, but with promises of Jannah. He wanted religion to appeal to them. Therefore, he did not push them away with words about torment and pain. He said, "oh people, say there is no deity but Allah and you will prosper."[7]
After this incident Quraysh stopped being neutral towards Mohammed PBUH.
Despite the fact that Quraysh started using violence against him and his followers, the Prophet unlike them, never leaned towards violence, because one could never fight or kill one’s own people.
Although the followers were only about 200, while Mekkah’s population was around 25,000 to 30,000, those followers were able to shake Quraysh's resolve because they were deeply rooted in the society. Quraysh tried to stop him in many ways. They started spreading doubts about the Prophet (SAWS), mocking and ridiculing what he said, trying to cause psychological and physical harm, until they even attempted to kill him.
They started calling him several names from poet, sorcerer to insane. Al-Walid Ibn Al Mu'3eera knew that Mohammed was truthful, but he was too arrogant to admit it. Then Allah sent some verses that describe how Al-Walid was scheming. Allah says what can be translated as, "Leave Me with him whom I created alone, And set up (Literally: made) for him extensive wealth, And sons always in presence, And made (life) smooth for him in an accessible (way). Thereafter he expects that I increase (My favors). Not at all! Surely he has been stubborn to Our signs. I will soon oppress him to a (hard) mounting (in calamities). Surely he did think and he determined! So, may he be slain, how he determined! Again, (Literally: Thereafter) may he be slain, how he determined! Thereafter he looked (round); Thereafter he frowned, and he scowled; Thereafter he withdrew, and he waxed proud. So he said, “Decidedly this is nothing except sorcery, transmitted relics. Decidedly this is nothing except the speech of mortals. I shall soon roast him in Saqar." (TMQ, 74:11-26).
As the Prophet went on speaking to people about Islam, he was being followed by his uncle Abu-Lahab who told people that his nephew Mohammed was insane and incited them not believe him. They even sent one of them, Al-Nadr Ibnul-Harith, to Persia for a year to learn tales and fables like the ones Muhammad narrated. They went to the extent of claiming that the Prophet was a secret agent! They also said that he had someone dictating him these myths, "And the ones who have disbelieved have said, “Decidedly this is nothing except a falsehood he has fabricated, and other people have helped him to it.” So they have already come with injustice and forgery (i.e., they have committed injustice and forgery) And they have said, “Myths of the earliest (people) that he has had written down so that they are dictated to him before sunrise and at nightfall" (TMQ, 25:4-5).
However, nothing could stop the Prophet (SAWS) who dedicated all his time and efforts to his message, to the point that Allah pitied his Prophet, as He says what can be translated as: "Yet, it may be that you will consume yourself of sorrow over their tracks (i.e., their tracks or footprints when they turn away) in case they do not believe in this discourse. " (TMQ, 18:6).
In spite of their attempts to shake the trust in him, the number of believers was in constant increase, because truth always prevails.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Start of The Da3wa
He did not start with knocking down the idols around the Ka3ba. These, he knew, were going to be knocked down eventually after establishing Islam.
He did not start by declaring the message off a mountain. No one would have listened.
His plan was to choose among every family in Quraysh those who were successful in their practical life (committed people but not necessarily rich or descendants of great families) and known for their moral conduct.
His plan was to form a nucleus of distinguished people who would be committed to the message and who would support him.
One of these people was Abu-Bakr, a 38 years-old successful trader, who was cherished by Quraysh and was an expert in the genealogies of the Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula.
Another person was Khadijah, not because she was his wife, but because she was distinguished.
The third person was Ali Ibn Abu-Taleb, the Prophet’s first cousin who was 10 years-old. He was living in Mohammed’s house at that time and asked the Prophet about this religion when he saw him praying, then asked for a chance to think it over before he embraced Islam. Even better, the following day, when the Prophet asked him what his decision was, Ali answered, “Repeat what you said yesterday.” Having thought it over, he embraced Islam and uttered Al-Shahada (declaration of faith).
Two days later, Abu-Taleb (the Prophet’s uncle) saw Ali praying and asked him about it. Ali answered, “I followed Mohammed and committed myself to the true way. This is the true way.” Abu-Taleb said, “Stay as you are. Mohammed would never command you except with what is right.”
Islam started with Mohammed, one man, one woman, and a child. Four people were the nucleus of all this success.
3 First Verses of the Holy Quran
- Surat Al-Muzzammil (Enwrapped): “O you enwrapped (in your raiment). Rise up (to pray during) the night, except a little, A half of it, or diminish a little thereof, Or increase thereto; and recite the Qur’an (in a distinct) recitation....” (TMQ, 73:1-4).
click to listen to Surat Al-Muzzammil:
- Surat Al-Muddaththir (shrouded): “O you shrouded (in your mantle), O you shrouded (in your mantle), And so your Lord magnify, And so your clothes purify, And so defilement forsake! And be not bountiful, (hoping) to gain more, And to your Lord (endure) patiently!..." (TMQ, 74:1-7).
click to listen to Surat Al-Muddaththir:
- Surat Al-Fatihah (The Opening): “In The Name of Allah, The All-Merciful, The Ever-Merciful. Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the worlds. The All-Merciful, The Ever-Merciful. The Possessor of the Day of Doom. You only do we worship, and You only do we beseech for help. Guide us in the straight Path. The Path of the ones whom You have favored, other than that of the ones against whom You are angered, and not (that of) the erring... (It is customary to say “amîn” “amen” at the end of this Surah).” (TMQ, 1:1-7).
click to listen to Surat Al-Fatihah:
These versus provide us with insight into the significance of the prayers and the requirements for the great reform Mohammed PBUH was going to lead:
Knowledge (Recite), spiritual power (Al-Muzzammil), work and motion (Al-Muddaththir), then, the way or the path to which he should steadfast to gain salvation in the two worlds (Al-Fatihah).
Having informed the Prophet of these requirements, the revelation stopped for two months in order for Muhammad to set a plan for his mission since this was his task not Jebreel’s AS. During these two months, the Prophet got really worried thinking that he had done something wrong and that Allah had abandoned him.
Hence, Allah’s kind words were revealed to comfort him in Surat Ad-Duha, in which Alla says what can be translated as:
“And (by) the forenoon, And (by) the night when it (comes) with its dark stillness! In no way has your Lord disregarded you, and in no way has He disfavored you. And indeed the Hereafter will be more charitable (i.e., better) for you than the First (i.e., the present life). And indeed your Lord will eventually give you so that you will be satisfied. Did He not find you an orphan, so He gave (you) an abode, And He found you erring, so He guided (you), And He found you in want, so He enriched (you)? Then, as for the orphan, then do not subdue (him), And as for the beggar, then do not scold (him); And as for your Lord’s favor, then discourse about it! (i.e., proclaim it)...” (TMQ, 93:1-11).
click to listen to Surat Ad-Duha:
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Beginning of Islam
The Prophet still did not know that he was a Prophet or that the creature he met was Jebreel AS.
When his wife asked him what's wrong, he told her what happened at the cave and she firmly reassured him that she believes him and boosted his morals.
Her response was quick and firm. She said, “No, By Allah, Allah will never disgrace you! You foster family relations; you bear the burden of the weak; you help the poor and the needy; you entertain the guests and endure hardships in the path of truthfulness”[2].
It's narrated that the Prophet upon hearing her words relaxed and calmed down. She then took him by the hand and said, "we are going to consult someone, I have a cousin, his name is Waraqa Ibn Nawfal, an old man near his ninety years, But he is an educated man, one who has studied the Torah and the Gospel very well'.
Waraqa Ibn Nawfal was a very old man, who had lost sight from excessive reading of the Torah and the Gospel. He was the only Christian in Makkah and wasn't interested in the idols of Quraysh. He believed in true Christianity, maybe Allah made him reach that old age just for him to meet the Prophet PBUH. Glory is to Allah who made Waraqa Ibn Nawfal learn so much to know the truth and say it.
Prophet Mohammed PBUH explained to Waraqa Ibn Nawfal what he saw, he told him about the strange creature he saw. He did not say he was an angel because he didn't know that yet. As he was talking, Waraqa was listening, sometimes amazed and sometimes smiling. He was listening to what he had read in the Holy books about the last prophet who was to come. When the Prophet PBUH finished, Waraqa responded with only four sentences. The meeting lasted about 20 minutes so that no Orientalist can claim that the Prophet learned about religion from Waraqa.
In the first sentence Waraqa said, “You are the prophet of the final age. You are this nation's prophet”.
The second sentence was, “You have been visited by the same one who keeps the secrets (angel Jebreel) whom God had sent to Musa ‘Moses”. I wish I were young and could live up to the time when your people would turn you out.”
The third sentence, “your people will bully you, hurt you, beat you, fight you and expel you”.
The fourth sentence, “I wish I were young and could live up to the time when your people would expel you.”
The Prophet interrupted him for the first time and asked, “Will they expel me?” Waraqa said, yes, anyone who came with something similar to what you have brought was treated with hostility, and if I see your day I shall help you wholeheartedly.
The Prophet engaged in deep thought about what Waraka told him and waited for Jebreel AS to descend again to confirm what Waraqa told him since he wasn't certain yet that he was right in his explanation.
However, Jebreel AS did not descend for a few days. God meant to let Mohammed think first and decide whether or not he was willing to take on this difficult mission. Having made up his mind to take on the mission and having longed to see Jebreel AS, Mohammed PBUH saw him one week later sitting on a throne between the earth and heavens filling the entire horizon and telling him, “Mohammed, you are Allah’s messenger and I am Jebreel from heavens.”
Having told him that, Jebreel AS came down to earth and took Mohammed outside Mekkah to give him the first lesson. He hit the earth with his wing and a spring of water came forth. Then, he started performing ablution and the prayers while Mohammed was watching and imitating him. Afterwards, Jebreel AS told him to pray two Rak3as (units of the prayer) in the morning and two Rak3as in the evening.
This is how prayers started based on the simulation (imitation) method before any modern theories in this regard were made.
The five pillars of Islam were set as follows:
“Narrated Ibn 'Umar, Allah's Apostle said, “Islam is based on (the following) five (principles):
1. To testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Mohammed is Allah's Apostle.
2. To offer the (compulsory congregational) prayers dutifully and perfectly.
3. To pay Zakat (mandatory alms-giving)
4. To perform Hajj. (Pilgrimage to Mecca)
5. Fasting during the month of Ramadan.”
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Beginning of The Resalah (Prophetic Call)
The Prophet heard a voice, a voice that wasn't familiar or normal, it was Jebreel AS (an angel sent from God).
Prophet Mohammed narrates,
Jebreel AS told me "Read" and I replied, “I do not know how to read.” The angel caught me (forcefully) and pressed me so hard that I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read and I replied, “I do not know how to read.” Thereupon he caught me again and pressed me a second time until I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read but again I replied, I do not know how to read (or what shall I read)?” Thereupon he caught me for the third time and pressed me, and then released me and said what can be translated as, "Read: In the Name of your Lord Who created, Created man from clots. Read: And your Lord is The Most Honorable, Who taught by the pen. He taught man what he did not know." (TMQ, 96:1-5). Then Allah's Apostle returned with the Inspiration and with his heart beating severely.” [11]
And this was the first verse of the Holy Quran that Mohammed PBUH read although he was illetrate.. It's a miracle how he read and memorized those verses..
The Islamic preacher Amr Khaled describes the significance of this dialogue as follows:
This dialogue symbolizes mercy, love and peace. This is exactly the mission of Islam, which rejects all kinds of violence, oppression or unjust. Secondly, it was to prove to the Prophet that he was not dreaming, but rather he was awake; notice that Prophet Mohammed PBUH spent six months, prior to the revelation, dreaming of good dreams that came true, like bright day light. Thirdly, the beginning of the revelation was meant to be powerful to indicate the seriousness of Islam's mission.
Another point Amr Khaled stresses is that the first word Jebreel AS asks the Prophet PBUH is: “Iqra” which means recite.
Why did the mission of Islam start that way, although Prophet Mohammed PBUH himself was illiterate?
It indicates that the era of miracles is over. A new era of knowledge, science and planning has started by Mohammed PBUH. Nevertheless, 60% of our nation is illiterate. People are still waiting for a miracle that would turn their lives to the better. They cannot realize that that miracle would never happen unless they became true Muslims.
Such a start, with the word "Iqra" which means "recite", leaves no doubt about the truth of Islam. Islam is applicable to all ages, and this is the age of knowledge. God says what can be translated as, "Read: In the Name of your Lord Who created, Created man from clots. Read: And your Lord is The Most Honorable, Who taught by the pen. He taught man what he did not know." (TMQ, 96:1-5). He mentioned knowledge along with its tools six times in just five verses. Miracles are over. If we are to take this mission seriously, we would be the miracle.
After the Prophet saw Jebreel AS, he was very frightened. It indicates that he was not going after the prophecy.
click to listen to the first Verse of the Holy Quran:
Monday, May 19, 2008
Stages before the Resalah (Prophetic Call)
The Prophet would be walking in the street and hear the trees greeting him, “peace be upon you messenger of Allah.” He would turn back to look and find no one.
The prophet also started having good dreams, that he related to his wife and four daughters after waking up only to see them come true during the day.
The Prophet started loving seclusion, so he started to look for a place where he could contemplate peacefully. He wanted a place with a warm feel and overlooking the Ka3ba and so he chose the cave of Hira which was 3 miles away from the Ka3ba. He used to climb the mountain to reach the cave and that took him about an hour and a half. The prophet used to spend many days there just thinking and reflecting about the universe.
God wanted the Prophet to develop his spiritual beliefs, thus striking a balance between the material world and the spiritual realm. The Prophet contemplated life and creation and deeper meanings of existence. No man or woman have found guidance until the love of being closer to God was bestowed upon them.
Khadijah used to visit the Prophet and spend two or three days with him in the cave.
She approved of what her husband was doing and supported him.
Khadijah was a great wife, she was a wise and smart woman and would not leave her husband all this period alone. On the other hand, she did not impose on him during the whole period. She showed him her approval of his choice, her care through her visits, and her trust in him by not imposing on him.
When Khadijah married the Prophet, she was forty years of age. Fifteen years had past, she was now fifty-five. It is amazing how a fifty-five year old woman can climb a mountain to join her husband in the cave, only to sit and reflect with him. She was a great women and one of the greatest graces that Allah bestowed on the Prophet. He was told to “give Khadijah the good tidings that she will have a palace made of Qasab (pearls) in paradise and there will be neither noise nor any trouble in it.” Qasab is a type of hollow pearl that resembles the cave, because the reward is of the nature of the deed.
Narrated by Ali bin Abu Taleb, The Prophet said, “The best of the world's women is Mary (at her lifetime), and the best of the world's women is Khadijah (at her lifetime).”
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Khadijah bint Khowayled
Prophet Mohammed PBUH had a cheerful face and was flexible in all his dealings, even during times of disagreement and this cheerfulness is one major requirement for success in business.
Khadijah bint Khowayled was widowed twice and rejected several marriage proposals by the elite of Quraysh who were attracted to her beauty and wealth. She wanted an honest dedicated man and she saw all these characteristics in Mohammed PBUH although he was 15 years younger than her. She was deeply impressed by his incomparable kindness, honesty, and cheerfulness, and so she asked her friend to ask him if he would consider marrying her. The Prophet thought very highly of Khadijah and believed marrying her would be wonderful so he officially proposed to her and she accepted.
Their marriage lasted 25 years: 15 years prior to the prophetic call and 10 years after the prophetic call. Moreover, they had six children: four girls (Zeinab, Roqayia, Om-Kulthom, Fatimah) and two boys that died at birth (Al-Kasem and Abdulla).
The Prophet and Khadijah loved eachother dearly and always supported one another.
Khadijah stood by the Prophet's side during the prophetic call and was the first lady to convert to Islam. She stood by his side and was always supportive when Quraysh gave the Prophet a hard time. That's one of the reasons why God intended for Mohammed to marry an older wiser woman to stand by his side and lift his spirits when the times were tough.
After Khadijah's death the Prophet still thaught about her and every time he heard a knock at the door similar to that of Khadijah, he used to wish that the visitor be her sister Hala because he liked everything that reminded him of her.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
A Poem composed by Ahmed Shawqi about Prophet Mohammed PBUH
*الهمزية النبوية*
وُلِـد الُهدى ، فالكائنات ضياء .... وفــــــم الزمان تَبَسُّمٌ وثناءُ
الروح والملأ الملائـك حـوله .... للـــديــــــن والدنيا به بُشـراء
والعيش يزهو، والحظيرة تزدهي .... والمنتهى والسِّـدرة العصماء
والوحي يقطر سلسلاً من سَلْسَلٍ .... واللوح والقلم البديع رُواء
يا خير من جاء الوجود تحية .... من مرسلين إلى الهدى بك جاءوا
يومٌ يتيه على الزمان صبـاحُه .... ومســاؤه بمحمــد وضـــــــاءُ
ذُعِرت عروس الظالمين فزُلزلت .... وعلـت على تيجانهم أصـداء
نعـم اليتيم بدت مخايل فضلِه .... واليـتم رزق بعضه و ذكــــــاء
يا من له الأخلاق ما تهوى العلا .... منها وما يتعشق الكبـراء
لو لم يُقم دينًا ، لقامت وحدها .... دينا تضــيء بنوره الآنــــــاء
زانتك في الخُلُق العظيم شمائلٌ .... يُغري بهن ويُولع الكـرماء
فإذا سخوت بلغت بالجود المدى .... وفعلت ما لا تفعل الأنواء
وإذا عفوت فقـادرا، ومقدَّرًا .... لا يستهين بعفوك الجــهـــــلاء
وإذا رحمــت فـأنت أمٌّ أو أبٌ .... هـذان فـي الدنيا هما الرحماء
وإذا غضبت فإنما هي غَضبة .... في الحب، لا ضغن ولا بغضاء
وإذا خطبت فللمنابر هـزة .... تعرو الندِيَّ وللقـــلـــــوب بكــاء
وإذا قضيت فلا ارتيابَ كأنما .... جاء الخصومَ من السـماء قضاءُ
وإذا حميـت الماء لم يُورَدْ، ولو .... أن القياصر والملوك ظماء
وإذا أجرت فأنت بيـت الله، لـم .... يدخل عليه المسـتجير عـداء
وإذا أخذت العهد أو أعطيـته .... فجميـع عهدك ذمـة و وفـــــاء
يا أيها الأمي، حســبك رتـبةً .... فـي العلم أن دانت بك العلماء
الذكـر ربك الكبرى التي .... فيها لباغي المعجـزات غنــــاء
صدر البيان له إذا التقت اللُّغى .... وتقـدم البلغــــاء والفصـحاء
حسدوا فقـالوا شاعرٌ أو ساحر .... ومن الحســود يكون الاستهزاء
ديـــــن يشيِّد آيـة فــي آيـة .... لبناته الســـــورات والأضـواء
الحق فيه هو الأساس، وكيف لا .... والله جـل جلاله البَــنَّـــــاءُ
أما حديثك في العقول فمشرع .... والعلم والحكم الغوالي الماء
بك يا ابن عبدالله قامت سمحة .... بالحق من ملل الهدى غراء
بنيت على التوحيد وهي حقيقة .... نادى بها سقراط والقدماء
لما دعوت الناس لبى عاقل .... وأصم منك الجاهلين نداء
أبوا الخروج اليك من أوهامهم .... والناس في أوهامهم سجناء
داء الجماعة من أرسطاليس لم .... يوصف له حتى أتيت دواء
فرسمت بعدك للعباد حكومة .... لا سوقة فيها ولا أمراء
الله فوق الخلق فيها وحده .... والناس تحت لوائها أكفاء
والدين يسر والخلافة بيعة .... والأمر شورى والحقوق قضاء
أنصفت أهل الفقر من أهل الغنى .... فالكل في حق الحياة سواء
فلو ان انساناً تخير ملةً .... ما اختار الا دينك الفقراء
يا ايها المسرى به شرفاً الى .... ما لا تنال الشمس والجوزاء
يتساءلون وأنت أطهر هيكل .... بالروح أم بالهيكل الاسراء؟
بهما سموت مطهرين كلاهما .... نورٌ وريحانية وبهاء
فضلٌ عليك لذي الجلال ومنةٌ .... والله يفعلُ ما يرى ويشاء
من كلمات امير الشعراء
أحمد شوقي
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Prophet Mohammed's Childhood
Prophet Mohammed was an orphan so the Buni Sa3d nurses didn’t want to breastfeed him because they feared of not getting paid however one nurse named Halimah didn’t get a child to care for so she took him.
Hilimah took care of the Prophet for 2 years and saw him grow at a fast rate, she said “My tribe lived in a barren desert, and our herds used to graze in the desert but return with stomachs empty of milk. When Mohammed PBUH arrived, my herd went out to graze and was the only one among all the herds to come back full of milk from which Mohammed PBUH and my son were able to drink. When this happened the other herd keepers used to follow my herd to get their share of the blessings. Mohammed PBUH brought us prosperity."
When the Prophet was 6 years old his mother (Aminah bint Wahab) decided to take him to Al Madinah to visit his father’s grave and on their way back to Mekkah she suddenly became sick and died. The prophet saw his mother die in front of his eyes and observed his maid Um Ayman burying her in the ground. This journey was engraved in the Prophet’s memory because he lost the most precious person in his life.
All this was happening to Prophet Mohammed because God was preparing him to lead mankind and know the meaning of life and death from a young age.
Prophet Mohammed went to live with his grandfather Abdul Mutalib who was about 90 years old and one of the leaders of Quraysh. The Prophet loved his grandfather dearly because his mother Aminah bint Wahab believed he had to have a strong bond with his father’s family.
Abdul Mutablib and the leaders of Quraysh used to meet everyday in the Ka3ba and discuss politics, news and economy of Makkah. The Prophet used to attend this meeting with his grandfather instead of playing with the kids of Mekkah. Abdul Mutalib used to lay down his gown on the ground and let Prophet Mohammed sit on it. He always said “This son of mine will be a great man!”. Abdul Mutalib had a feeling Prophet Mohammed was going to be a great leader.
When the Prophet was 8 years old his grandfather Abudl Mutalib died and he was orphaned for the third time. Abdul Mutalib told his son Abu Taleb the Prophet’s uncle to take care of him and his uncle treated him as his own son. Abu Taleb had 10 children so the Prophet was brought up illiterate.
The Prophet learned many skills in his childhood from all the jobs he had and different events that took place.
Prophet Mohammed worked as a shepherd at the age of 8 because he wanted to help his uncle Abu Taleb since he wasn’t rich and had a big family. He then decided to become a trader at the age of 15 and join his uncle on their trade trips to Al Sham (Syria). Becoming a trader helped the Prophet learn how to communicate and deal with all types of people. He also learned how to fight at the age of 15 when he fought with Quraysh in the Battle of Fojar. In this experience he learned the art of being a strong fighter and the importance of negotiating for peace since Quraysh decided sign a peace treaty with the other tribe.
The Prophet lived in 4 houses
-Mother’s House (Aminah bint Wahab)
-Abu Sa3ds in the desert (Halimah Al Sa3deya)
-Grandfather’s House (Abdul Mutalib)
-Uncle’s House (Abu Talib)
and in each house he learned different things and learned to be independent, responsible, serious, and strong. He also always had someone giving him love and affection. God took his mother however he had his grandfather Abdul Mutalib and his wife Hala who’s a cousin of the Prophet’s mother that loved him and took good care of him. Then had his uncle Abu Taleb who loved him dearly and always supported him although he never became Muslim; also Fatima bint Asad his uncle’s wife who was always kind and caring and loved him very much.
Most Prophets suffered like Nuh (AS) “Noah” who was scorn upon by his people, Ibrahim (AS)“Abraham” who was thrown in the fire, Ya'qub (AS) “Jacob” who went blind from sadness for his son, Yusuf (AS) “Joseph” who lost his father and was thrown in a well, Musa (AS) “Moses” who had to leave his country, Isa (AS) “Jesus” who was hurt by his people, and finally Mohammad PBUH all of who initially faced hardships and were then relieved.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Prophet Mohammed's Birth Year & Full Name
Mohammed wasn’t a common name and so people asked Abdul Mutalib why he didn’t name his grandson after his ancestors and he answered” I wanted him to be thanked on earth by the dwellers of the earth, and in the heavens by the dwellers of the heavens”.
Prophet Mohammed’s full name is:
Mohammed Ibn Abdullah, Ibn Abdul Mutalib, Ibn Hashem, Ibn Abd Zanat, Ibn Abd Kusay, Ibn Kilab, Ibn Murra, Ibn Kaab, Ibn Louay, Ibn Ghaleb, Ibn Fihr; Fihr was the father of Quraysh and Fihr was a descendent of Ismail (Ishmael), whose father was Ibrahim (Abraham).
The Prophet’s great grandfather Kusay was the one who united + lead Quraysh and built Dar An-Nadwa.
The Prophet’s great grandfather Hashem was the one who made trade agreements with Arabian tribes + Persion + Romans by negotiating sending the trading caravans of Quraysh i.e. boosting the wealth of Quraysh.
The prophet’s immediate grandfather, Abdul Mutalib was the one responsible for digging the well of Zamzam to offer water to the Arabs. In addition he was the one to stop Abraha when he came to conquer Makkah... Abraha stole people's assets and that led to the famous dialogue between Abraha and Abdul Mutalib..
Abdul Mutalib went to reclaim his camels from Abraha and Abraha laughed and said, “I thought you were coming to negotiate about the Ka3ba that I intend to destroy.”
Abdul Muttalib replied, “The camels are mine, but the Ka3ba has its Lord and He will protect it.”
Abdul Mutalib was right, God protected the Ka3ba by sending birds from the sky that destroyed Abraha's army.
The Prophet’s father Abdullah Ibn Abdul Mutalib died 2-3 months after his marriage to Aminah bint Wahab the Prophet’s mother. He was on a trading trip to Al Sham (Syria) and on his way back to Mekkah he stopped in Al Madeenah to visit his uncles. He spent a few days in Al Madeenah and suddenly became very sick and died.
Prophet Mohammed was born an orphan and a descendant of Prophets & Leaders. He had a noble blood line and high leadership status in Quraysh. His family was well respected and controlled the winter and summer trades.
The birth of Prophet Mohammed was a normal birth and the miracle about it is that it was exactly 50 days before the year of the elephant after Abraha’s defeat when he tried to destroy the Ka3ba.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
In the name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the Ever-Merciful. All Prayers and Blessings of Allah be upon our master, the most noble Prophet Mohammed.
First I would like to introduce myself..
I'm a Muslim lady aiming on spreading the biography of our beloved Prophet Mohammed. I'm not a historian or an Islamic preacher so I'll base my posts on Amr Khaled's TV Program "On the Path of the Beloved".
The program was aired in Ramadan 2005 and shot in Al Madeena Al Monawara. Amr Khaled did an excellent job lecturing his viewers about the seera (biography) of Prophet Mohammed and inspired many Muslims to follow his path.
If you're wondering why I published this blog on this certain date instead of directly after airing the program in 2005 it's because I never knew that I needed to speak up for my religion and make it clear for some people that Islam=Peace and Mohammed=God's Final Messenger.
In addition Muslims all around the world will acknowledge the birth of Prophet Mohammed on Thursday 20 March which is 12 Rabee3 Al Awal in the Islamic Calender therefore the timing is just right to start this blog.
In conclusion I want to make it clear that:
The content of this blog is from .
This blog is aimed at educating Muslims and non Muslims about the Prophet in a language that an average person understands.
This blog is not published to start conflict between Muslims and haters of Islam so please avoid attacking Islam or Prophet Mohammed.