It's been a year since I started this blog and I'm very happy with all the readers from all over the world.
USA, UK, Canada, UAE, Australia, India, Bahrain, KSA, Egypt, Pakistan, Kuwait, Philippines, Malaysia, Germany, South Africa, Maldives, Qatar, Morocco, Singapore, Sweden, France, Finland,
israel, Sri Lanka, New Zealand, Algeria, Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Oman, Jordan, Ireland, Nigeria, Lebanon, Indonesia, Thailand, Yemen, Turkey, Brunei Darussalam, Romania, Sudan, Fiji, Barbados, Guyana, Czech Republic, Slovenia,, Switzerland, Kenya, Spain, Tunisia, Tanzania, Italy, Ghana, Cambodia, Iraq, Vietnam, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Poland, Nepal, Russia, Greece, Libya, Jamaica, Iran, Islamic Republic of Mauritius, Cote D'Ivoire, Japan, Hong Kong, Venezuela, China, Bulgaria, Austria, Panama, Bangladesh, Sierra Leone..
WOW that's a lot :) I listed them according to most visits which makes people from the US, UK and Canada the top three which read my blog..
Prophet Mohammed was a great prophet, muslim, leader, father, husband, and teacher. We should learn from him and try to be at least some of what he was..
I will try updating the blog more frequently to cherish the Islamic legacy and the birth of Islam.
Note all posts are from
God Bless you all and may Allah strengthen Islam and Muslims all over the world..